Wednesday, August 31, 2011


How can this possibly be the last day of August???  Tell me!  I always tell Donaldo that after the 4th of July and my birthday it is downhill from there and not really that much longer.  Being the half-cup full kind of guy, he doesn't pay any attention to me.  But should hear him.  He is already talking about Florida. 
I just love the farmer's markets this time of year and I am hooked on melons.  Since I have had this dry mouth problem that started 2 weeks ago-it is the perfect fruit; so juicy and sweet.  I know there are probably more calories in watermelon, but it is my favorite. 
The only way to use a melon is to cut it up right away or you will let it sit in the refrigerator and never eat it.  That has happened to me many times.  So I cut them up and put the pieces in a bowl and just help myself whenever I want. 
The Northville Farmer's Market is full of produce now-I love going this time of year; they have EVERYTHING!!!  So I will be going tomorrow and will be buying more melon. 
Happy melon eating!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's Fixed, It Came

The pool opened today-yea!! I was over there by 7:15 a.m. walking and swimming with two other "regulars."  My gills enjoyed the swim. Now I have 3 more days until it closes for it's yearly maintenence on Monday for a week.  
My order from from Penzey's Spices came.  It was really fun to open every wrapped bottle.  Chef Donaldo was duly impressed and he used "Arizona Dreaming" on his grilled pork tenderloin tonight. Yummy! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am missing my routine of going swimming in the morning.  I already feel out of shape.  This is the 5th day the pool has been closed.  I call every morning, but it still isn't fixed.  The lap pool is open, but I can't do my walking AND swimming, but tomorrow I will be so desperate I will have go in the lap pool where the water is over my head.  Now, I am not too fond of swimming in water over my head.  I like to know the bottom is close by my feet, so I will probably swim under water, grab the side and repeat down the whole lane.  But desperate times make desperate measures!  Luckily we have the hot tub up and working again.  I swear I have grown fins and they need water.  I must tell you, water is very relaxing; that's what it is.
Now on to my lunch today; while Donaldo splurged on a burger and fries for his birthday, I had a cobb salad.  It was the best.  The bowl was really cool in that the front of the bowl dipped towards me.  It was really unique and seemed to make it easier to eat the salad.  They had the yummiest homemade tomato dressing to go on it.  Everything was so fresh and the salad pieces were chopped the way I like them.  I always ask for dressing on the side because I don't like my salad soaked in dressing.  This was perfecto!


Monday, August 22, 2011

No Pool

The pool has been shut down at the Rec. Center since Saturday.  Every morning I call, and it still isn't working.  And then they shut down for a week next week for maintenance. So no pool...and our hot tub is cloudy so Donaldo has to take in a sample of the water to see what is wrong.  Water, water everywhere and not a drop to spare. Our neighbor came home, so now we can't even use his pool.  I might have to resort to walking :(

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Potent Quotable

When we read this verse in church today it reminded me of all the seasonings in yesterday's blog picture.
"Let your conversation be always full of grace and seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."  Col 4:6
Everything in my herb garden adds flavoring and seasoning.  Think how it enhances our food, so should grace enhance our speech and actions.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Package Full of Spices


I just had to steal this picture from Capri K (  Her husband who does a lot of the cooking just received this order from Penzeys Spice Catalog.  Don't you just love the looks of it all?  This is once catalog I have to get.  I'm thinking they MUST have a web site.  Going to check into that!  Meanwhile enjoy the picture and dream!

Here is the website:

Thursday, August 18, 2011


My favorite herb is Rosemary. I love the smell and taste and my mother's name is Rosemary.  In southern climates it grows into a big shrub and does not die in the winter.  When we were in Scotland there was a huge hedge along the drive of the B and B where we were staying.  I loved it!  Rosemary is fine in Michigan until it goes below 20 degrees and then it could die.  Bringing it inside is hard because you have to keep it the right moisture.  It dries out very quickly with the heat on.  Last year I winter-overed a plant up against the house and when it got too cold for that, I put it in the garage and it kind of went dormant. I brought it back out in the spring and it is still growing.  I think it is the first time I wintered-over a Rosemary plant.  I love making herb butter with Rosemary in it.  It is very good on fresh baked bread.

Herb Butter

1 stick of butter
2 TBL chopped chives
1 TBL chopped parsley
2 TBL chopped Rosemary leaves
1 tsp fresh lemon juice

Soften the butter
Mix all ingredients in
Put in bowl you are going to serve it in
Make a design on the top
Add a little piece of fresh Rosemary to decorate the top
Serve slightly chilled

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What You Need......

This is good for whatever ails you. 

 Seriously though, I saw a cooking show the other night with Donaldo and the woman chef was cutting her lettuce on a cutting board with her super sharp knife.  She said she likes her salad cut in bite-sized pieces.   I usually rip my lettuce apart and  the pieces are usually too big which I don't like.  So tonight I was making Taco Salad with Romaine lettuce and I used the cutting board and and super duper Cutco@ knife and it made nice bite-sized pieces of lettuce.  I decided I like it much better that way. 


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Potent Quotable

         Winnie The Pooh

"How long does getting thin take?" asked Pooh anxiously.
A.A. Milne

Thursday, August 11, 2011

24 Hours

After an all-day visit to the ER and 24 hours without eating; I think they are closer to fixing the problem; which isn't life-threatening.  I will know more when I go to the GI doctor next Monday. Going in the spa for the first time yesterday and today is helping my neck, my headache and my stomachache.  There is something about water that is so relaxing.  I hadn't gone swimming for two days, but we went this morning and then made a fast trip to the N.V. Farmer's Market for some fresh veggies and plums.  I just love plums.  I buy these little yellow ones that are so good and you can eat several.  Got a basket of yellow cherry tomatoes that are very yummy and some baby squash to grill-which are better than grilled asparagus! 

Monday, August 8, 2011


I found out today that the gals in the river walk have names for everyone and mine is dolphin.  It is because I walk and dive underwater and all they can see then is a little back-end part of me.  I am all for giving people other names; I do it all the time at the pool in Florida :) I have gone swimming 10 days in a row.  I did not feel like going this morning but ole Donaldo got me up and at 'em.  As usual, I am glad I went.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Potent Quotable

"Achievement seems to be connected
with action. Successful men and
women keep moving. They make
mistakes, but they don't quit."
- Conrad Hilton

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Weigh In

Back on track and weighed in on Friday after swimming and have lost a total of 17 pounds.  I have not missed a day of swimming in a week; very helpful for getting rid of stress.  We've been doing a lot of grilling and my favorite is grilled baby summer squash that we get at the farmer's market.  Just season and put some olive oil on it; place it right on the grill and it is delicious.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Slippin and Slidin......

back into the sugar and wheat habit. This, the beginning of the third month, I have just been sneaking sugar into my diet.  Come on organic gummy bears?  I stopped 3/4 the way through. Mini chocolate chips on my frozen banana?  Come on, that's a poor excuse.  A dove promise every day???  Wheat pancakes, spaghetti noodles and garlic bread??  No wonder I feel full and bloated tonight.  I HATE that feeling-the full feeling.  So on this the 3rd day of August; back on the healthy eating plan or all the hard work will be for naught.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Dieted Out?

Since I wrote on my other blog that I am blogged out, I can't even think of what to write here either.  The diet is moving along still-some sugar with the mini choc. chips and banana now, but not to worry-haven't gained any weight-lost a little.  Still not feeling quite right even though my Cat Scan came out normal. Bought a bathing suit on sale at Land's End so I can get through the winter at the pool.  That chlorine is rough on the bathing suits.  And there you have it.  Inspiring right?  NOT!!!