SUGAR??!!! Once again I was forced to have sugar against my will. Ha ha. It came in the form of a can of chocolate Ensure@
that I had to drink for my test today. It had all the things I consider unhealthy Mind you, I didn't read the ingredients until after I drank it. So...22 grams of sugar, 57 carbs, high fructose corn syrup and plenty of dairy and other things I can't even remember. Why you ask?
When they are checking the arteries in your abdomen about 30 minutes after you eat, more blood goes to the area to help with digestion. If you have a blockage they can see a blockage better and believe you me, I felt the pain. I think I read somewhere it's like Angina in your heart, but in your abdomen. This is all very interesting and I saw the images on the screen, but of course couldn't make out a thing. One thing I know I will never drink Ensure@ unless someones makes me.
So yes, I had sugar today and look where it got me.
Now after my doctor's call I am on a clear liquid diet.