Okay, so I said I was not writing on here again...but I have a few diet related things to say.
First of all, I have been on a wheat-free diet most of the last 3 weeks. I have felt a lot better, the headaches aren't as bad and my stomach doesn't hurt as often. But Wednesday night after my nasty MRI (drinking 3 bottles of contrast, getting an IV, injected with dye, and pushing a high amount of glucose) I had a burger on a bun at the hospital. They told me to eat because when my sugar dropped it would be too low since I am hypoglycemic. I must say, I was quite sick all night after that.
Then yesterday I had to have dressing, or stuffing however you say it. Honestly I couldn't eat it all or my dinner; I think my stomach has shrunk. Like in "Honey, I shrunk my stomach." Does that really happen?
After swimming today, I weighed myself (every Friday) and I am way down; lower than I have ever been. Kind of don't get it, because I have felt better. However, today I have a headache, and a stomachache and I am really thinking WHEAT here!! OR....SUGAR. Yep I had some last night.....a little piece of crustless pumpkin pie and icecream.
Last weekend when I was at Kristopher's I had some wheat and sugar-did not feel so good afterward.
Have I convinced myself that wheat and sugar aren't good for me? Yes I have!
I am still swimming 4-5 days a week and talking to the "girls" while I walk. So now my total weight loss is 22 pounds. I get a little worried sometimes when it goes down; but I am wondering if it is the exercise. What think you?