18% of women and 6% of men get Migraine headaches. There are many triggers for these headaches that is why it is so hard to cure them. The food triggers are cheese, chocolate, beer, and red wine. External triggers can be odors including perfume, hunger, and dehydration. Other things are the computer and TV screens especially the glare or flickering from them. Insomnia, tension, irritability and stress can also contribute. I don't know here, I think the headaches cause tension and stress; sort of like a vicious circle.
And then there is the weather, the barometer and the changes in them which can bring on a migraine.
So I guess I need to stop the cheese and chocolate; it's all very complicated because when I am not getting headaches, most of these things don't bother me except maybe beer and red wine. Ooops and better get off the computer; I think that's one of the major culprits for my headaches.