Monday, November 28, 2011

Found It!!!

For all my craving yesterday, the only sweet thing I ate was a piece of chocolate.  But I found some peppermint sugar-free flavoring; Tan Lady at the Rec. Center told me about .  Tan Lady knows EVERYTHING!!!!  There is just no way else to describe her.  She has lost 50 lbs or so on WW on-line and waling for an hour or more in the pool five days a week for years I think HA HA.  She and Norma know EVERYBODY!!!!
I started using weights; they are hollow and you can fill them with water to make them heavier.  I didn't do that, but there is quite a resistance using them underwater.  It keeps me from getting bored; something new added to the routine.  It is SO hard to get up and go in the morning when it is dark and cold, but so worth it afterward :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011


So much for all my talking about no wheat, sugar blah, blah, blah.  I am home from church; yep I have this cough, a low-grade fever and I am just not 100%.  I really don't like to miss church because then I think "what blessing am I missing out on?"  Yep, every time I go, I come home with many blessings.
So, you know what I am craving for lunch?  A bear claw from Panera and a peppermint coffee whatever it's called from Starbucks.  Oh man, that would put me over the edge because that is only what I want for lunch.  Lunch has always been my hardest meal; I never know what to eat.  Generally I do like a soup (tomato) and salad (Harvest Turkey with pear) at Panera.  Hmm...that will be kind of hard to stop there on the way home from church since I am home.  Wonder if I can make myself up a sugar-free lo-fat version of the peppermint coffee.  I'll let you know can let me know.  


I have been eating wheat every day for the last 3 day. Last night Donaldo the chef made a yummy pizza; it was my third wheat meal of the day.  I just wanted to see what happened....and I woke up with a mega headache back off the wheat.  I just need a good bread and I can't find one I like.  They are all heavy and nasty.  So I will be looking for a recipe and try one after the other if I have to in order to find a good one without wheat. If you can help me in my quest-got a little cookbook for you-hey a prize what a great idea.   

Friday, November 25, 2011

Never Say Never

Okay, so I said I was not writing on here again...but I have a few diet related things to say. 
First of all, I have been on a wheat-free diet most of the last 3 weeks.  I have felt a lot better, the headaches aren't as bad and my stomach doesn't hurt as often.  But Wednesday night after my nasty MRI (drinking 3 bottles of contrast, getting an IV, injected with dye, and pushing a high amount of glucose) I had a burger on a bun at the hospital.  They told me to eat because when my sugar dropped it would be too low since I am hypoglycemic. I must say, I was quite sick all night after that. 
 Then yesterday I had to have dressing, or stuffing however you say it. Honestly I couldn't eat it all or my dinner; I think my stomach has shrunk.  Like in "Honey, I shrunk my stomach." Does that really happen?
After swimming today, I weighed myself (every Friday) and I am way down; lower than I have ever been.  Kind of don't get it, because I have felt better.  However, today I have a headache, and a stomachache and I am really thinking WHEAT here!!  OR....SUGAR.  Yep I had some last night.....a little piece of crustless pumpkin pie and icecream. 
Last weekend when I was at Kristopher's I had some wheat and sugar-did not feel so good afterward. 
Have I convinced myself that wheat and sugar aren't good for me?  Yes I have! 
I am still swimming 4-5 days a week and talking to the "girls" while I walk.  So now my total weight loss is 22 pounds.  I get a little worried sometimes when it goes down; but I am wondering if it is the exercise.  What think you? 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Last Post

This is the last post on this blog.  I  managed to be sugar-free for months.  I managed to be disciplined about exercise.  But because of illness, I am not sure my weight loss is accurate.  I basically lost about 20 pounds and went down a size or two, but how much of this is from diet and exercise, I am not sure. I do think the exercise helps slim different parts of your body.  I still eat mostly sugar-free.  I do have some occasionally, but nothing rich and sweet.  I started wheat-free almost 2 weeks ago which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I have not had much of a headache in five days but whether it is because of the wheat-free diet I do not know.  What I can say is that there is wheat AND sugar in many things; all, so it will taste good.  There is also salt in MANY things especially restaurant food.  And, although, I am eating healthy, none of it has helped the problem in my tummy.
 My next step here is to ask for an MRI because it can visualize tissue problems that a cat scan can't pick up.  I have left a message for my GI doctor's nurse to call me.  That's the way with U of M.  It's not too effective I have learned, but I will be persistent.  It seems like if I eat healthy, I should feel healthy right?  Uh hum!  I am thankful for minimal headaches again and good cholesterol and sugar numbers.  The seems up to God's timing and diagnoses; something simple and fixable would be nice.  I will stay on the wheat-free diet for 2 more weeks and always watch the sugar since 4 of my siblings and my dad have diabetes.  Sugar really isn't good for you.  I will still swim/walk 4-6 days a week; it is good for stress and energy.  It was fun doing the blog; I love the title, but writing two blogs is hard.  So thanks for reading and your comments.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It Would Be So Easy....

To not go swimming tomorrow.  I didn't go today, so tomorrow is the day.  But when I think of it tonight...sleeping in sounds so much better. 

It would be so easy to eat something with wheat in it.  Just a little know?  But then I would have to start over.  I want to try this for one month.

It would be so easy to skip my Bible Study tomorrow morning.  I have a lot I want to accomplish tomorrow.  But I love that time I is special...I need it. 

It would be so easy to eat something sweet and sugary but it wouldn't be good for me and would probably make me sick.

It would be so easy to spend a lot of time on the computer.  But then I would get a bad headache and that would be the end of my day. 

It would so easy to sit and read all day tomorrow, but then nothing would get done. 

The things that are easy aren't always good for you.  Sometimes we just do them is so easy.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Early Morning

The early morning swim is getting harder and harder as it gets darker and colder.  It is becoming a matter of discipline now.  It was so much easier in the spring and summer. The water feels colder when I first get in, but once I get warmed up, it's better. The reward is the hot tub and sauna and feeling energized afterward.  Funny thing is...I am NOT a morning person and now I have become one.  Today, though, I did not feel like socializing with the gaggle of women who walk and talk.  I needed some caffeine.  
 I am beginning my eighth month of swimming.  Donaldo said "that's a huge accomplishment."  Yea it kind of is. 
As far as the daughter suggested a juicer.  We tried that once and you have to buy bags and bushels of fruits and veggies to have enough to make juice.  We sent it back. 
The doctor suggested I have a test for Gastropareisis.  It is a medical term for delayed stomach emptying.  You eat an egg sandwich with nuclear pellets and they follow them through for four hours to see how long it takes for your stomach to empty.  She said I could have the test or just try the diet for a month.  But the diet has stuff on it I never eat.  White bread, white rice, saltine crackers no fresh fruit or veggies just cooked and canned. And you can only eat small meals-like a palm-sized; you just eat more often.  I don't know if I will do the test or not.  I googled the condition and even if I have it-they try different things to help you manage it and they don't always work.  It is most common in people with diabetes which I don't have. The doctor gave me the choice of the diet, the test or just stay on my wheat-free diet. I see her again December 6.  She mentioned an MRI at some point.
So, I have decdied to just stop eating....peiod.  Nah, just kidding-still eating wheat-free while I ponder.