Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Didn't Eat It!

Last night we had company; so during the day I was making a jello cake.  Karen came by and said, "How come you're making that?  How are you going to resist eating it."  I said "I am just NOT going to eat it."  And I didn't.  My friend who came over last night said "Be careful after we leave, and don't go and have a piece."  And I didn't. Advice well taken.  This is what I think, "How many seconds does it take to eat a dessert?"  Donaldo said 75 seconds.  So do you want to eat dessert (or something else) for just 75 seconds of pleasure and then deal with the guilt and calories later.  This theory sounds easier than it actually is.  Why is this?


Kathy said...


Dottie said...

Marlene, I purchased lots of snacks because Mike's sister and family was coming down for Sunday and Monday. Things I would not have in the house because Mike cannot resist. Company came Sunday and left Sunday; daughter had plans for Monday. I have left lots of calorie laden snacks that Mike is making short order of. He needs that 75 seconds of motivation.