Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Gingerbread Cookies

Why did I buy the bag of little gingerbread men cookies at Target when I love them so much?  Eating them with tea is the best.  Well I had 1 yesterday and 1 today.  I think that is funny-why  just not have any?  Like I've said before, the pleasure of eating something like that is so fleeting, it almost isn't worth it.....almost. I guess if you can limit yourself; a hard thing to do this time of year it might be okay.  I'm a stickler for the rules because that is how I was brought up.  It doesn't matter if they are my own rules. Ha ha.  I tell you, some of the substitute wheat and sugar products make you feel worse than the real stuff.  You are better off not eating anything like that.  My chiropractor tells me to eat food that is as close to nature as you can get.  Oh...where does that put dark chocolate?  And coffee?   And tea?  And honey?  And Stevia?  And German Rock Sugar?  I will have to tell you about that sometime.  Those little gingerbread men are calling my name everyday.  Just eat them and get it over with and don't buy anymore!!!


Magnoliawhispers said...

You were raised on over-corrective guilt trips and it sounds like you are having a mega one right now. But...we are saved by Grace, not Guilt....so give yourself some grace. Do not eat the rest of them, cause it will make you feel more guilty again. And then you will need to give yourself more grace. The name Janice means "God's Grace" and that is how I'm trying to live nowdays, no matter how bad I blow it, because I realize it is by God's grace that I am even here. I'm trying to see myself as God sees me, full of imperfections, tripping up every single day, but very loveable and worth the death that Jesus died for me. There, that is my sermon for the day. Merry Gingerbread Men!

Kathy said...

Eat them all up ~ they will be gone. In one sitting? haha They are very tasty though. Especially with tea.... hot tea...

Kristen said...

The ones at TJs are yummy too!