Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I DID IT!!!!

One month without sugar!!  Well, I have a little more time left today, but I am not going to blow it now.  I tell you, I was a little tempted with the left-over jello cake last night; it was hard not to take a bite-but that would have been a biiiiig mistake!  Karen did good too.  She has been doing this a little longer than I have.  I have lost 7 lbs. but to honest that is probably lower than it would have been because I have had some tummy troubles this weekend.  Should I continue another month?  I think so. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Cool Pool

We were back at this morning after taking the weekend off.  We joined the other seniors at 7:30 a.m. who also go swimming.  Funny thing is, the regulars weren't there, just a bunch of people I didn't know.  The hot tub is a hot item ha!  All the seniors with their aches and pains including yours truly.  I ended my swim with a few cozy minutes in the sauna.
I had one blueberry pancake today so Donaldo could have his favorite breakfast.  It was made with Trader Joe's Multi-Grain Pancake Mix.  I had a little sugar free syrup and two pieces of Canadian Bacon.  YU-UM!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Didn't Eat It!

Last night we had company; so during the day I was making a jello cake.  Karen came by and said, "How come you're making that?  How are you going to resist eating it."  I said "I am just NOT going to eat it."  And I didn't.  My friend who came over last night said "Be careful after we leave, and don't go and have a piece."  And I didn't. Advice well taken.  This is what I think, "How many seconds does it take to eat a dessert?"  Donaldo said 75 seconds.  So do you want to eat dessert (or something else) for just 75 seconds of pleasure and then deal with the guilt and calories later.  This theory sounds easier than it actually is.  Why is this?

Friday, May 27, 2011

26 days.........

of no sugar (except for that piece of dark chocolate almost once a day).  This was supposed to be for the month of May.  I wondered today if I would just keep going, because now it has become a habit.  I made my rules simple for me and that's why it worked this time. 
1.  No sugar desserts, crackers or sweets
2.  One or two pieces of dark chocolate
3.  Limit simple carbs
4.  Limit fruit.  I have to say this is the hardest.  Some days it is easy and other days I realize I have eaten 3 or 4 servings of fruit.  Today was much better. 
For the second time this week, I have no headache.  I started out with one, but it went away. 
I have found myself drinking more water. 
5.  Give myself some leeway if we have a frozen pizza (thin crust) once in awhile or some chocolate sauce on my banana.  But I remember that second one tasted like "too much sweet" for me. So I am not tempted again. 
6.  Setting a limit of one month made it easier to start and now I think it will be easier to stay on it. 
There are 5 more days to go and I am not "anticipating" the end so I can pig out again.  I might just stay on it for awhile longer.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Lighter Me

AHA....so happy I have lost another 1 1/4 pounds this week and I have seen a weight number I haven't seen in several years. Did great yesterday and got a couple of pancake recipes to try.  Thanks, Kathy-got yours.  I tried a bit of chocolate granola bar at Costco and it tasted way too sweet.  I ate lunch at Olgas-took one bite of the bread and well...delicately spit it out.  Yep...too sweet.  Who wouldof thunk???? Can hardly even eat a banana...might have to join the rest of you who can't abide by bananas.  So....this is the middle of the fourth week and I am happy.  No headache yesterday and none so far today.  And it was great to get back to swimming this morning after missing yesterday. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I am looking for a lo-carb pancake recipe.  I have to say with this no sugar diet, I have missed my ocassional morning pancakes.  So, I am looking for one that is lo-carb and eatable :)  Tonight we are having cold chicken salad with celery, grapes and pecans served on lettuce-kind of a summer time favorite.  I had a cold Rice Milk coffee drink with cinnamon and some Rye crisp with cream cheese on them.  I have varied the snacks a little so I don't get bored with them.  I have found that simplicity it easier to manage.  I had a chicken brat in a high fiber bun for lunch along with carrots and hummus; very good.  No chocolate yet :0 
P.S. Cut up bananas (sorry again, Kath) and raspberries with a drizzle of chocolate sauce tasted way to sweet to me.  Not going to have that again. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Same, Same

It is the beginning of my fourth week without sugar. I guess I should say "mostly" without sugar.  There has been no added sugar, like granola bars, cookies, graham crackers etc.  There is that piece of chocolate almost every day and a little chocolate syrup twice...but all in small amounts. Today we went swimming and boy, did that feel good after two days of going without. I am happy to say-no headache today....hey, that makes a good day for me. 
Joy Boy needed a quick babysitter this morning and we were happy to oblige.  He is much more independent now and really quite funny.  Of course, they (the grands) are all quite amusing.  The stories I could tell.....ha!  But I digress....chicken for dinner and good old sweet potatoes and green beans....sounds good to me. Oh, and that one piece of dark chocolate...maybe :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Potent Quotable

"The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses." Rom. 8:26
"The Spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matt. 26:41

How many times have I said that last verse to myself these past 3 weeks of "No Sugar."  It seemed to have gotten easier this past week which is three weeks.  And I have lost 4 lbs and have seen a weight number I haven't seen in a long time.  "Has it helped the headaches?" everyone asks.  "No" is my reply, but I am not giving up.  A busy weekend prevented us from swimming, but we will be back at it tomorrow.  Can't wait!

Friday, May 20, 2011


Back swimming today and a weigh-in on the scales showed a 1 1/4 lb. weight loss, so I am happy about that. 
Still doing well, although I had more fruit today-but they were small portions: a few blueberries, an apricot (my favorite) and some raspberries with my banana "icecream" tonight (sorry Kathy-I know that sounds yucky to you :)  We skipped the bananas last night, but opted for them tonight.  So that pound will probably come right back on :)  I also had only one piece of dark chocolate.  But you know, some days you are just naturally more hungry than other days.  And today was one of them; maybe because the sun finally came out after a week. Well....it was in and out, but at least we saw it.  Tomorrow is another day.  It seems to get easier as the weeks go by. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Still Working At It

No Chocolate for two days; yea!  That's not saying it is forever though :)  Tuesday I was craving a dessert so I made my famous banana ice cream.  I mash two ripe bananas on a dinner plate and stick it in the freezer.  Then, to eat, I thaw them for about 20 seconds in the microwave and dish them up in 2 bowls. I add a few chopped walnuts or pecans, a little drizzle of chocolate sauce and a dollop of whipped cream.  It satisfied and seemed a little on the sweet side since I haven't eaten anything like that for awhile. 
Yesterday and today went great-today we had steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast with lo-carb toast and a veggie omelet for lunch with another piece of toast (peanut butter and a little fruit-only jelly). For a snack this morning I had a handful of mixed nuts and an apricot. 
Dinner is going to be salmon, sweet potato, and asparagus. Might have the banana ice cream again.  We skipped swimming this morning-first time we elected not to go.  We just needed a break and felt like a quiet, slow morning. 
My clothes are starting to feel a little different especially around the waist. Even though that is a slow go, I feel good about being fit and eating right. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Major headache day-me thinks I will stop the chocolate and umm....maybe nuts. And...it is spring-so there is that "spring wheat" to consider. HA!  Still no sugar and no more weight loss; which was a little discouraging today-but I am still swimming and trying my best.  I think the older you get the more you have to eat like a bird.  Right now, don't feel like eating, so that's good. 
Don is reading from a "Wellness Letter" that says Butterbur can help headaches; it is sold as Petadolex in Health Food Stores.  Hmm...will think about that one. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fresh Out.........

Of new ideas for meals/snacks; although what I am doing is good, it gets a little boring.  So I have been going through "Cooking Light" Magazine for some meal ideas.  I want to plan a whole week of meals and buy the groceries all at once.  I cut out the recipes I want and put them in a notebook.  I saw a new "Cooking Light" in the mail today that looks really good.  I am afraid I didn't drink enough water today, so will step that up again tomorrow.  Sometimes I feel genuinely hungry.  I need to let that feeling pass for awhile before I look for something to eat.  The most filling snack I eat is a handful of mixed nuts.  In the morning I have have "Ezekial 4:9" sprouted whole grain cereal with golden flax.  I eat a 1/4 of a cup with a few blueberries.  The verse is right on the front of the box; "Take also unto thee Wheat and Barley and Beans and Lentils and Millet and Spelt and put them in one vessel and make bread of it...."   Have you ever heard that verse?  In fact, I HAVE to look it up now.   Well yes, there it is-Cool!   Okay so, having a little spaghetti tonight with Barilla Plus Pasta (multi-grain with Omega 3) and a salad.
Shopping tomorrow will include some fresh veggies which I have run out of. 
Loved going swimming this morning after missing it TWO days in a row.  A first since the 3rd week of February! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Still Trying

It's been a little harder this weekend since I am on a retreat. I had a little more fruit than I should but I stayed away from the ice cream @ lunch and the yummy-looking chocolate pie with whipped cream and caramel drizzled on top @ dinner. I did have a no- no; diet caffeine coke after my humid walk yesterday. It tasted oh so good! We are supposed to stay away from artificial sweetners because they make you crave sugar and they really aren't good for you. One more meal today to resist dessert.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Ha ha got you there, although sometimes I think that might be the only way to lose weight. But, not really.  I have been cleaning out and organizing drawers and cupboards here and there and getting rid of things.  Doing the ones that bug me the most.  It makes me want to stop and take a break and have something to eat.  I have been drinking water all day, hoping it would help the gargantuan headache I have had for 3 days.  You know, I think it is helping a little; plus helping the hunger a little.  I don't know if it's hunger or just thinking about something to eat all the time.   Breakfast was egg-in-the nest after swimming.  Before swimming it was a piece of lo-carb toast with peanut butter.  Morning snack was a handful of mixed nuts. 
Lunch was nachos with cheese, black beans and green onions. I had a half of apple and my yummy little chocolate treat.
Afternoon snack...1/4 cup Ezekial Cereal and rice milk with a few blueberries.
And I had some rice crackers and cheese before we went to Rile's Concert tonight.
Dinner...Panera 1/2 Fuji Apple Salad with scant dressing (never know about the hidden sugar in that) and 1/2 bowl veggie pesto soup.  I gave the rest to the Chef.  He loves my left-overs :)

Funny thing happened at the Rec. Center this morning.  I weighed my myself before I went swimming and then again after I went swimming and I was 2 lbs lighter after.  Donaldo said to allow for some variation; I said yes but 2 pounds??  No help at home, the scale is never right. 
Will check again tomorrow.  I sure did like the 2 lbs lower one after swimming :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So How Did Today Go?

Thanks for the encouragement Kris.  You are right-you know me-guilt is my middle name ha! 
Today went better and I wasn't as hungry except the headache was really bad today-so I guess no sugar won't help that.  Hah!  Maybe it's the chocolate; for real; so I only had one piece today and decided no more for now. 
My favorite dessert is two Rye Crisps with whipped cream cheese on them with Cinnamon sprinkled on them served up with a side a sliced strawberries.  Going to have some of that soon.  Yum it's interesting how small treats can be so good.

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Couple of Steps Backwards......

Not overt steps backwards, no actual dessert or sweet treats except that stupid chocolate!!!  Two a day of those a day-Come on girlfriend, get with the program.  Two days of not eating at home and Mother's day made it difficult to watch the hidden and not-so-hidden sugar.  Hash browns with my omelet and American cheese in my omelet yesterday at breakfast and a "few" fries for dinner last night with Ketchup (yep, hidden sugar) and honey mustard on my burger (yep hidden sugar) and my Arnold bun (3 grams of sugar) and a "I don't care" attitude.
Also had a little too much fruit. Those grilled pineapple are so good. 
Today at GFV I had a "splash" of lemonade in my ice water, but I resisted the hobo bread and the frozen custard, but then  "rewarded" myself with two, yes, TWO pieces of dark chocolate.  Now I can't have one tonight.  I am skirting the edge here and I need to find some recipes to help me get down to business.  It is very hard when you "deny" yourself the things that make your food taste good, but that is what sugar addiction is all about.  Any diet or change of life requires discipline and I find I am most vulnerable when I am tired, or depressed. 
Still I am not giving up, no, I refuse to even as the Chef is downing a piece of apple crisp right now. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday's Sustenance

Needing some more meal ideas; going to work on that later.  Here is what I ate today:

*lo-carb bread-toasted with natural peanut butter and 1/2 tsp. fruit-only jelly
*hard boiled egg
*two rye crisp with cream cheese and cinnamon
*about 8 large blueberries

*Handful of mixed nuts
*Ice tea with lemon

*Salad with ground turkey and salsa, yellow pepper, 3 crushed nacho chips, I TB guacamole, green onion and olive oil.
*1 dark chocolate (72% Cacao)

* 1/2 apple
*1 slice Havarti cheese
*6 Almond Nut-Thin crackers

*Grilled Chicken Breast
*1/2 sweet potato
*Broccoli with grated cheese
*1 dark chocolate