Sunday, July 17, 2011

Chili Powder?

Nasturtiums along with Marigolds and Lavender. 

What?  Did I make chili on such a hot day?  Did I use it in taco salad?  Did I put it on nachos?  No, my giant jar of chili was sprinkled on my plants because I planted some bargain plants to fill in where the bunnies had nibbled the previous plants. Hopefully they will come back in, but I had to fill the spaces.  I can't quite figure out why the bunnies like begonias.  They don't even look the appetizing....not like Nasturtiums; I use them in salads.  The leaves have a crunchy slightly peppery taste and the flowers look beautiful sitting on top of a salad; especially a potato salad.  What I am really hoping is that bunnies don't like chili powder!!  I am going to keep up the sprinkling this week and hope they feed in someone else's garden. 
My weight loss has remained stable at 14 pounds; I am happy with this as there was no cheating going on this weekend except for a little dark chocolate.  We hit the pool this morning before church and it was perfectly uncrowded.  The swim bags are on the table for tomorrow morning.