Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I have no idea how to spell that word so that was my best shot!! It doesn't even show up on spell check. 
I am going have a few tests to determine where my stomach pain is coming from.  If you want to lose a lot of weight quickly-don't eat!!!! There, that's it in a nutshell. 
I do feel a tad better today so stopped at Tar-get's Starbucks and a lady in front of me ordered a green tea frappachino and that sounded good to me so I ordered one:  "A tall unsweetened green tea with skim milk and a little whip."  It tasted really good and I am sure I needed the calories.  Hey, this might be my new summer drink. 
Nice lunch on your anniversary ha! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No Contest

Yep, right now it isn't even fair that I write about healthy eating when I am so sick I can't even eat.  We had to watch the 2 grands today while Kar took a class for certification so we took them to GFV.  I was in so much pain the whole time but it did help pass the time.  We left a little early because I thought Donaldo might have to drop me off at ER, but when I got home I took an anti-nausea pill and felt some better.  I have so much gas-I don't know where it comes from and it is so painful that I know why babies cry so hard when they have colic.  It all started with this new medication I am taking  for my headaches-and I am determined not to take any today.  I just have to make it to 11:00 a.m. tomorrow for my doctor's appointment. So basically, I am not eating much, and the weight is dropping off-so I guess you can say that is one good thing-except it is not a good way to do it; besides you gain it back when you feel better (hopefully). 
It's kind of ironic that you go on a healthy diet and then feel so horrible.  And THAT is my tale of woe. But never mind about that, I was still able to snap a few photos.

It was a very breezy, partly cloudy day and not very crowded.  I think JB is getting some molars back there while his sister has a loose tooth. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

It Isn't easy......

Life has it's little rough spots here and there and I am in one now.  Still having tummy trouble and pain so really dieting is a non-issue right now.  I still don't eat sugar and today I had some simple carbs....but that's how it is. I have a doctor's appointment with my GI doctor on Wednesday.  I did feel fine this morning....went swimming by myself.  Donaldo had a lot of outside work to do; trimming bushes and weeding and cutting the grass so he didn't want to expand too much energy swimming laps which is reasonable. 
If I didn't have swimming, I don't know what exercise I would do, because this is the only one I can stick to and actually like.  It does require effort to get up-and actually go, but once I am there I really like it and I feel so much better afterward.  I think exercise is a must in maintaining health and losing weight.  I will never be the size I was when I married and was for 20 years afterward, but seeing the scale go down is rewarding.  I think it is healthy for your heart and lungs to exercise. I wish everyone could do water exercise; I think it is so much easier on your body. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Potent Quotable


"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thristy.'"  John 6:35

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It Would Be So Easy.....

to slip back into bad habits after losing 10 lbs.  You feel kind of free and just kind of want to eat more.  Especially if I start to feel better like I do this morning.  Oh, I hope, hope this pain goes away for good.  They changed my medication to something in the same family but slightly different.  The doctor had no other explanation for my pain.  So, I can see how it would be so easy to fall back into old patterns.  I don't think it is ever easy to lose weight and keep it off.  Also, I am really not "on a diet", it is more like healthy eating; no sugar or simple carbs, but it is so simple to eat the wrong things.  
This morning I did not feel like going swimming, but I got my bod out of the old bed and trudged out of the house and drove to the rec center.  I quickly entered the water just to "get it over with."  It would have so much nicer to stay home.  But I shaved five minutes of the time and got home in record time and I am glad I went.  Gotta keep sticking to it. I just have to!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Mark

I weighed in after swimming this morning and I hit the 10lb weight loss mark which took me just over 7 weeks. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sugar Water

After my ER visit last night, I ate sparingly today to keep things quieted down.  Since I didn't eat much yesterday or today it wouldn't be fair to say I lost more weight.  The funniest thing of the ER visit if you can call anything in ER funny was, they hooked me up to an IV that had glucose in it.  That is SUGAR water.  Me, who has avoided sugar for 6 weeks, got sugar shot right into my veins and into my blood and the rest of my body.  Ha!  Maybe that's what I need to get well!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It seems:

*that I am still having tummy issues-had a lot of pain today. Not sure what to do.

*that the women in the River Walk need to walk a little faster and talk less.

*that Weight Watchers has changed it's program.  I heard you can eat all the fruit that you want.  But as someone pointed out, that might be going over the top, because a calories is a calorie and some fruits have a lot.  I love fruit. I don't know, what do you think?

*it is hard to maintain ANY type of diet, but if it fits your life-style it is a good one.

*it seems at this age, you really have to cut back and really exercise!

*I have to stop drinking my 1/4 cup of coffee and see if that helps the tummy problems.

*That it might be hard for me to reach that 10 lb goal.

*that I am happy I am doing the best I can :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Swimming and Prunes

Ha ha, what a title.  The pool river walk was crowded again today and it wouldn't be so bad except 3-5 people walk together and talk and I have a hard time getting past them; they are in their own little world of "women talk."  I don't talk long to them as I must swim under water twice every turn around. 
Prunes??? Yep, it seems my diet is eh hmm....causing me a little problem, but 5 prunes last night helped. Will be having them for dessert tonight.  They are quite good actually. 

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Family Gone

We are alone now-the family is all gone; it's funny how quiet a house can get.  So today I had one junior mint-ha ha and a light beer just awhile ago; very refreshing-so I guess we have to count the sugar-oops and a dark chocolate.  It's not too bad for a busy weekend.  Made the kids some root beer floats-they looked kind of good; but no-not one sip.  Kristen made omelets for breakfast this morning and I have to say, mine was the best I have ever had.  It was so fluffy. No swimming today-will go tomorrow. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Birthday Cake

Did I eat any?  Well technically no, but I kept licking my fingers by habit when I made the batter and the frosting.  As we cut the cake and put Rocky Road ice cream on it; I took one bite of the crumbs.  A little will power was in order as it would be so natural to have some cake and ice cream.  What is the saying?  "A minute on your lips, forever on your hips."  I can tell you this-it takes less time to gain it back than it does to lose it...I will have to remember that when we make s'mores tonight-one of my favorite treats.   

Friday, June 17, 2011


There were a few new people walking in the River Walk today-I wondered if they were teachers off school.  The regulars where all there and everyone does something different.  There is a lady who holds her hands out of the water, because the chlorine wrecks her nails so she puts them on her shoulders.  There is "tan lady" who has a dark spray tan that just  makes her look older.  She and another lady walk for an hour every morning with the current and against the current.  There is a younger woman who brings her father and helps him exercise.  I always think that is so nice.  There is "fast man" who weaves in and out of everyone but stops to talk to the ladies.  There is a woman who wasn't there today because she went on an Alaskan cruise.  And...there is me...I am the only one who actually gets my hair wet by swimming and walking.  It is always interesting to see the mix of people.
Today was weigh-in day and I lost another two pounds this week which is a total of 9 3/4 pounds.  In all fairness, I think it is because of a new medication I am on that is bothering my stomach and I am not hungry.  I will gain some of it back I am sure.  I have been mostly gluten-free also, but that is a hard one. 
I am six weeks into the "no sugar" diet and really don't miss it much.  I got some yummy Michigan strawberries yesterday at the farmer's market.  We will see how I do at the pizza, cake birthday party for Ms. Riles tonight.  I am making the cake :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am still forging ahead with the "no sugar."  I hit the pool this morning with a bad attitude-I did not want to go!!  Five days in a row, and  I have had it.  Going to take a break tomorrow and go to the Northville Farmer's Market.  They are supposed to have Michigan strawberries in and a feature called "Chefs at the Market sponsered by Providence hospital where they feature and cook a  healthy recipe.  I have a few more flowers to buy to "fill in"  (ha ha) as that is what I tell Donaldo I need to do.  Never mind....he does like my handywork and I know he loves to sit on the deck and look at it all.  We put some new deer repellent bags out and coated everything with chili powder.  So hopefully that works. It's no fun planting when bugs, deer and bunny rabbits make dinner of your plants.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Spoonful of Gluten

Still thinking about the gluten connection because I keep reading about it-like it is the new diet fad or something.  Donaldo doesn't want me to go back to the headache clinic because in 3 years, they haven't helped me.  They just refill my prescriptions that don't really help unless I take enough to make me sleep.  Sigh...had some gluten-free pancakes this morning.  The were ok-but have more carbs in them then the whole grain.  I also had pasta tonight and feel really full and a little head achy.  So....a new neurologist was mentioned to me; he isn't really new because I saw him several years ago, but maybe he has learned some new things :) 
 Been getting into the dark chocolate but not helpful to the diet. 
 Kristen mentioned in her comment on discipline "it takes 3 weeks to establish a habit." I must be slow because I think it took more like 4 weeks, and I still battle the urges for something sweet.....and something bready (ha ha,I made that word up and spell-check doesn't like it).  Since I eat rye crisp every day-I just found out they are included in the list of things that have gluten.  More to ponder.....

Sunday, June 12, 2011


It seemed fitting somehow, when I went to church today that the pastor started a new series on Proverbs and the first verses were on discipline.
"Prologue: Purpose and Theme of Proverbs
 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life doing what is right and just and fair..."  Proverbs 1:1-3 

Saturday, June 11, 2011


After a great swim this morning I weighed in and I am 1/8 of a pound shy of losing 8 lbs.  Not bad, I said to myself.  I thought about the word discipline, I didn't look it up but just thought it means "keep at it."  We can have discipline in many things and I think one discipline leads to another.  It is about making choices; good ones over bad ones.  It is hard and many times it is not easy but the rewards are worth it.  I am thinking here in terms of physical and spiritual disciplines and I am training in both areas. 
And you have to always remember....that pride goes before a fall. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Menu De Jour

*Got back on track...woke up with lo-carb toast, pb&j and coffee.
*We skipped swimming-mega headache all day
*Made myself some gluten-free pancakes; added some flax seed and blueberries
*Lunch was egg and cheese panini with some corn tortilla chips and some salsa
*Afternoon snack was 2 rye crisp with cream cheese
*Dinner was an assortment; rice crackers, Havarti cheese, red peppers and a chicken brat; no bun.  Donaldo ate the tortellini salad left-overs. 
*One dark chocolate
*Dessert: frozen banana with dab of chocolate sauce
The deer munched on grass until they headed for dessert; my roses.  We chased them off; they are on a no-sweets diet!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It Doesn't Take Much......


to get off track with a diet.  Not that I have eaten anything overtly sweet, I have not been careful with my carbs.  After  another small bowl of  "Trader Joe's Shredded Wheat" last night before bed and two pieces of low carb toast, I ended up pounding headache after swimming this morning.  Lunch was the summer chicken salad at Panera with a couple bites of the sour dough bread-not much mind you but a lot of sweet carbs.  After sleeping the headache off this morning, it came back after lunch.  This is why I am thinking of a mostly gluten-free diet.  I found out from someone that there is a blood test to see if you are sensitive to gluten; it is called an Igg test.  I am going to pursue it.  I think the shredded wheat upsets my stomach which would be another indication of gluten sensitivity. 
Isn't interesting when you follow a plan for 5 weeks and think it is the best eating plan for you and you are so is so easy to fall off the wagon.  That "bear claw" at Panera for 99 cents with a drink was veeeery tempting!
So back to basics tomorrow. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Under Pressure

Did I crack under the pressure and stress?  Well....kind of.  After dinner last night I had my banana, peanut, drizzle of chocolate sauce and a squirt of whipped cream dessert.  Long day; my daughter-in-law and I were both hungry last night after the girls went to bed. And Kath, she liked it:)
At 11:00 p.m. she checked on her little sick one and she had a temp of 105.3 so we ended up in the ER.  When we got home at 3:00 a.m. we both were hungry and had a bowl of cereal before finally turning in. 
I had a pancake this morning...and realized "yep, I am using food for comfort here." I had a lot of carbs going on.  But you know, I gave myself a break...
Tonight Audrey made a yummy cold tortellini salad from It was so good and perfect for this hot weather. 
I hope I can get up tomorrow a.m. and "slice" the water.  A good swim is what I need!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just thinking.....

maybe I would try a gluten-free diet along with the sugar-free, but not wanting to restrict myself too much or it might just push me over the edge of stuffing my face with everything I deny myself-and that spells disaster!  I would look like this-skinny body, fat face. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Dinner For A King

The Chef knows how to cook, plate, and present.  Oh Yumum!  Copper River Salmon which is the best salmon and is only in the stores for a month or less.  Seasoned and cooked on a cedar plank and presented just right to his waiting family.  He grilled potatoes and fresh pineapple and his assistant (me) cooked the fresh green beans and coleslaw with homemade dressing.  Sunday dinner at it's best!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday Swim

Little girls love to pose

Ah....slicing the water as Donaldo calls it.  I went for an early swim and had the river walk to myself.  Pure joy and freedom!!  Love my new pink goggles-they don't fog up.  I weighed in today and I lost another pound; tummy feels a little better today.  The grands from Missouri are here with their parents and dog so we are planning on having some smoothies which Maddie loves.  We might take them to the Rec. Center for a swim. Fun fun!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Not feeling good again in my tummy-so eating is a no brainer today-don't feel like eating.  Something has my tum tum all a rumbling!  Can I be real here?  Gas, pain, and no appetite.  This has been going on for a week.  It comes and goes but has been most constant since yesterday.  You know you don't feel good when the words ER come into your brain.  But I will have to be half-dead before I go there, kicking all the way.  Maybe my body needs sugar ha ha.  It is shocked by this new diet and is protesting. 

Friday, June 3, 2011


Do I have to eat like a bird to lose anymore weight?  What about a flat stomach?  Will I ever have one again?  Speaking of birds,
have you seen the fat robins around lately?  All that rain has given them lots of nice fat worms to eat.  There seems to be an over population of Robin nests.  So I guess eating like a bird is not the answer:) I did have my frozen banana "icecream" with a little chocolate and whipped cream (both have some sugar) in them. Ah well, all in all it was an okay day.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day Two

Day two of the "no sugar diet" month two. I opted out of swimming today and went to the Northville Farmers Market and got some flowers and a Rose Bush to replace one that died. I had a piece of toast before I left and then I had the "Trader Joe Wheat Cereal" for breakfast when I got home; it was very good with raspberries on it.  Lunch was some pork tenderloin on an Arnold Bun with carrots and peppers and a half an apple with some peanut butter (guess I didn't need the peanut butter but it was good.)Dinner is fish, sweet potatoes and grilled asparagus and grilled pineapple; one of the chef's best meals.  See how I manage to get so much fruit in my diet-it is all so good!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day One

Today is day one of another month without sugar.  I did add an occasional pancake after I checked the Trader Joe Multi Grain Pancake Mix Box for sugar grams and fiber.  Told the chef I can only have one twice a week.  Poor guy, can't let him keep denying himself his favorite breakfast. The rye crisp with cream cheese and cinnamon with a cut-up strawberry is still my most favorite snack.  I did find another cereal without sugar-Trader Joe's Shredded *Bite Size* Wheats.  The only ingredients are whole wheat and Vitamin E (I thought the Vitamin E was kind of strange.)  I will add some blueberries and some Stevia to it and I will be all set.  My headaches are better; not completely but I have just had another 3 days without a headache.  I must be doing something right!!  PTL!