Wednesday, August 31, 2011


How can this possibly be the last day of August???  Tell me!  I always tell Donaldo that after the 4th of July and my birthday it is downhill from there and not really that much longer.  Being the half-cup full kind of guy, he doesn't pay any attention to me.  But should hear him.  He is already talking about Florida. 
I just love the farmer's markets this time of year and I am hooked on melons.  Since I have had this dry mouth problem that started 2 weeks ago-it is the perfect fruit; so juicy and sweet.  I know there are probably more calories in watermelon, but it is my favorite. 
The only way to use a melon is to cut it up right away or you will let it sit in the refrigerator and never eat it.  That has happened to me many times.  So I cut them up and put the pieces in a bowl and just help myself whenever I want. 
The Northville Farmer's Market is full of produce now-I love going this time of year; they have EVERYTHING!!!  So I will be going tomorrow and will be buying more melon. 
Happy melon eating!!!