Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am still forging ahead with the "no sugar."  I hit the pool this morning with a bad attitude-I did not want to go!!  Five days in a row, and  I have had it.  Going to take a break tomorrow and go to the Northville Farmer's Market.  They are supposed to have Michigan strawberries in and a feature called "Chefs at the Market sponsered by Providence hospital where they feature and cook a  healthy recipe.  I have a few more flowers to buy to "fill in"  (ha ha) as that is what I tell Donaldo I need to do.  Never mind....he does like my handywork and I know he loves to sit on the deck and look at it all.  We put some new deer repellent bags out and coated everything with chili powder.  So hopefully that works. It's no fun planting when bugs, deer and bunny rabbits make dinner of your plants.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

oh yeah the chili powder. That's supposed to work. I need a million strawberries for Saturday.