Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day Two

Day two of the "no sugar diet" month two. I opted out of swimming today and went to the Northville Farmers Market and got some flowers and a Rose Bush to replace one that died. I had a piece of toast before I left and then I had the "Trader Joe Wheat Cereal" for breakfast when I got home; it was very good with raspberries on it.  Lunch was some pork tenderloin on an Arnold Bun with carrots and peppers and a half an apple with some peanut butter (guess I didn't need the peanut butter but it was good.)Dinner is fish, sweet potatoes and grilled asparagus and grilled pineapple; one of the chef's best meals.  See how I manage to get so much fruit in my diet-it is all so good!


Kathy said...

Um, isn't there sugar in PB?

Unknown said...

Costco peanut butter doesn't have sugar in it :)