Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Early Morning

The early morning swim is getting harder and harder as it gets darker and colder.  It is becoming a matter of discipline now.  It was so much easier in the spring and summer. The water feels colder when I first get in, but once I get warmed up, it's better. The reward is the hot tub and sauna and feeling energized afterward.  Funny thing is...I am NOT a morning person and now I have become one.  Today, though, I did not feel like socializing with the gaggle of women who walk and talk.  I needed some caffeine.  
 I am beginning my eighth month of swimming.  Donaldo said "that's a huge accomplishment."  Yea it kind of is. 
As far as the daughter suggested a juicer.  We tried that once and you have to buy bags and bushels of fruits and veggies to have enough to make juice.  We sent it back. 
The doctor suggested I have a test for Gastropareisis.  It is a medical term for delayed stomach emptying.  You eat an egg sandwich with nuclear pellets and they follow them through for four hours to see how long it takes for your stomach to empty.  She said I could have the test or just try the diet for a month.  But the diet has stuff on it I never eat.  White bread, white rice, saltine crackers no fresh fruit or veggies just cooked and canned. And you can only eat small meals-like a palm-sized; you just eat more often.  I don't know if I will do the test or not.  I googled the condition and even if I have it-they try different things to help you manage it and they don't always work.  It is most common in people with diabetes which I don't have. The doctor gave me the choice of the diet, the test or just stay on my wheat-free diet. I see her again December 6.  She mentioned an MRI at some point.
So, I have decdied to just stop eating....peiod.  Nah, just kidding-still eating wheat-free while I ponder. 


Kathy said...

That's a tuffy. bout the diet and all. I can't exercise until I get the results from my stress t.

Unknown said...

I saw my regular doctor today and she agreed with me about the test. Doesn't think that would be it.

Kathy said...

The diet sounds weird. Why all the white flour?

Kathy said...

Wow, i checked it out. That diet stinks!!

Unknown said...

The theory is that fiber slows down the digestion in your stomach so it would make the problem worse. So you can't anything with fiber. No fresh fruit-all canned with no skin. No salads, broccoli, cabbage; all allowed veggies have to be cook till they are mushy. Goes against everything I believe! YUCKKKKKKK. No high fat cheese or milk or meat. It slows done the digestion too.
Yea, not going to be doing all that.

Kristen said...

But it would be kinda cool to watch those pellets travel through your body and really see how long digestion takes... ;-)

Unknown said...

HA! Yea, I guess so!