Monday, January 2, 2012

It's Out.....

of the house; the cookies and little treats.  I gained about 3 pounds between last Monday and this morning when I weighed in.  I have been swimming/walking in the pool every day except for Christmas day.  But when your tongue gets a taste of something sweet; it just wants more.  Your body seems to crave it.  It is so easy to slide back into eating oblivion.  I have a cruise to go on Sunday, so I have to be really careful this week; a cruise is one big food smorgasbord. let me tell you.  One has to have lots of restraint.  If one can just say "the pleasure of eating something only lasts for a minute or two; why jeopardize the whole diet?"  I know, easier said than done. It's all in the mind-set.  So set your mind against temptation and remember you are doing this for your health. 


Kathy said...

The fun of the cruise is not the food, how's that? lame right?

Unknown said...

It is the food, believe me!! It's 50% of the fun.